Unfortunately vacant retail space is a reality that most space owners will have to deal with.
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About this space
Located at Entrance 1 to to The MARC, this gallery or retail space with large glass windows has a constant flow of passing traffic. It is an exclusive opportunity to launch your brand or gallery and attract an affluent cosmopolitan audience. The MARC, an acronym of the precinct's location which is Maude And Rivonia Corner focusses on convenience, fine dining and pure indulgence for shoppers. It's ideally located in the heart of the financial district of South Africa, home to the JSE Securities Exchange, an array of investment banks and financial consultant giants.
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Ideal Uses
The Neighbours
Tashas, Execu Specs, Frond and Filligree
A few things you need to know
Rates, utilities and taxes are not included in the quoted rates.
Rules for this space
No specific rules for this space.
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
60 day minimum · 730 days maximum
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